Paesta Podcasts

What is the Mpemba effect? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 16



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast You asked, we answered. What is the mpemba effect? Let’s first start out with who and how this discovery was made. Erasto Mpemba is the one who discovered the mpemba effect. Erasto is a Tanzanian high school student, that is famous for the Mpemba effect [3]. Mpemba’s observations confirmed some of history’s most revered thinkers, such as Aristotle, Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon, they all believed that hot water froze faster than cold water [2]. This was all observed through Erasto’s experiment that he discovered the Mpemba effect. Here is how Mpemba discovered this effect. It all started out with an experiment in his classroom. Most of the students in the room would create a mixture of ice cream. And one day a student arrived late to class and saw other students mixtures were already boiling. The students allowed their mixture to cool after it was boiling hot. After it had cooled down, they would all rush to the refrigerator for a space i