Paesta Podcasts

What is hard water? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 15



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hey everyone, my name is Lathie Nichol, I’m a sophomore at Penn State Brandywine, and the purpose of this podcast is to talk to you today about hard water. As a human being you interact with water every day. If you don’t, well, you wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale. So needless to say, it’s pretty important to know almost all of the details about the water you drink every day. Have you ever washed your hands somewhere and felt like no matter how long you wash your hands it feels like you still have a layer of soap still on your hands? Or, have you ever done a load of dishes in your dishwasher and taken the dishes out when it’s done and noticed that there is this weird looking film or these white spots on them? This is all due to having hard water. Don’t be scared about it though, in almost every case, this won’t hurt anyone. So, what exactly is hard water? Hard water simply put, is having a lot of certain minerals in your water. Hard water tr