Paesta Podcasts

What can we do to help stop water pollution? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 14



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hello, my name is Matt Gallo and today I am going to talk to you about water pollution and how we can stop it. Over the years we have discovered many different impacts to the environment. We have seen things that have impacted the air, wildlife, and our topic today, water. Within the last year we have heard about polluted Water Michigan. CNN Eliot McLaughlin wrote about 5 main things that people may not know about the crises [1]. 1 was that they declared a state of emergency 2 was the issue know that it is in presidential debates. 3 was celebrates stepping in to help. 4 was the worry of the long term impacts And 5 was the blame game. The issue grew the first couple of weeks but has died down for a little bit. It is a tough situation for anyone involved. This issue brings up more than just the issue in Flint. This issue should open the eyes of everyone and help them realize how serious water pollution is. An article written on Washingt