Paesta Podcasts

Why does California battle drought conditions so often? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 12



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hello there, my name is Lori Ezzedine and I would like to talk to you about the California drought, but more specifically, why California battles drought conditions so often. In order to answer this question, there are a few areas and terms that need to be covered. First, what are droughts, groundwater and aquifers? Second, what is the significance of the drought in California and why should we care? And third, what is the history of California droughts? So, what is a drought? A drought is a long period of time that passes with abnormally low levels of rainfall or snowpack, which in turn causes a shortage of water. The current drought in California began in 2012. [1] One study found that the current California drought is the worst one in 1,200 years. [2] Another article stated that in 2014, California had an all time low at 5% of the historical average of snow pack accumulations. [2] A study from the same article found that there is a greater