Paesta Podcasts

How is drinking water purified? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 11



You Asked, We Answered! Trascript of the podcast Have you ever wondered how your drinking water is purified? Some people believe that their drinking water comes straight from a pipe. To the contrary, majority of the population are misinformed about how their drinking water is purified and safe for everyday consumption. Across the globe, 2 out of 10 people do not have access to safe drinking water, and in the U.S., many states face water shortages and droughts [2]. The biggest realization to make in regards to our drinking water is that our drinking water is recycled. The U.S. spends billions of dollars treating waste water to drinking water because of it being recycled through systems to preserve our fresh water resource [2]. There has been a widespread concern that dangerous chemicals have contaminated more and more of the nation’s drinking water supply [3]. The purpose of this podcast is to inform people seeking knowledge as to how their drinking water is purified. Drinking water is purifie