Paesta Podcasts

What is Flash Flooding? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 6



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript for the podcast Hello and welcome to another Earth Science podcast on water. This is your host, Garrett Burris, and today I will be answering the common question, what is flash flooding? We all have either seen it on the news or witnessed it in person, streets turn to rivers, basements turn to swimming pools, and houses along with other personal belongings are underwater and destroyed. Floods are one of the most dangerous natural disasters known to man. About 150 people die in flood related causes each year. [1] Most of these floods are caused by flash floods which are defined as torrential down poor’s that accumulate over land that cannot absorb water quick enough leading to fast moving flood waters. Flash floods form within 6 hours of the start of an event and commonly have waters that can move at a steady rate of 9 feet per second. At this rate the water can easily sweep away a rock weighing over one hundred pounds. [2] City and suburban areas with more infrastructure a