UC Santa Barbara (Audio)

Performance by Design with Martin Fischer



Martin Fischer is the Kumagai Professor of Engineering at Stanford University and directs the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering. He is known globally for his work and leadership in developing and applying digital methods to increase the productivity of construction project teams, enhance building performance, and create new strategic opportunities for firms in the construction industry. His award-winning research results have been used operationally and strategically by many industrial and government organizations around the world. He has co-authored the book “Integrating Project Delivery” published by Wiley in 2017, written over 100 refereed journal articles and book chapters, and given over 100 keynote lectures on his research. His work has been recognized by the ASCE Peurifoy Construction Research Award and with elections to the National Academy of Construction in the US and the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences in Sweden. Series: "Institute for Energy Efficiency" [Science] [Show ID: 38479]