The Hunt Backcountry Podcast

409 | 2023 Death Hike Recap



WARNING — While we normally keep our show family-friendly, there are a few curse words used in this episode. Additional warning (a cheesy one) — This episode should challenge your comfort zone and may inspire you to do something like you've never done before. Mark & Steve are joined by four of the participants of the 2023 Exo Death Hike, to share their stories, experiences, and lessons learned from an adventure that was unlike any other. Two of the guests on this episode, Dan ( & Justin (, were the only two finishers of this year's Death Hike. The other two guests, Jory and Jeff, were first-time Death Hike participants. Previous Death Hike content... - Life-Changing Lessons from the Death Hike:…he-exo-death-hike - 2022 Death Hike Recap: - 2021 Death Hike Recap:, - 2019 Death Hike