Mindset Toolkit Podcast

Deep Work - Cal Newport Pt 1



Topics: Definition: Professional activities performed in a state of distraction free concentration, that push cognitive capabilities to their limits Ch1 - Deep work requires isolation and time by yourself - Need to remember the difference between busy-ness and effectiveness - The ability to master hard things, if you can’t learn, you can’t thrive - Also must be able to quickly learn hard things, because technology always changes. Not simply technological changes, but as you advance in your career path, you’ll have to learn more and more things - To produce at an elite level - quality & speed Not only is it enough to learn these new skills, you must be able to master them an produce tangible benefits - The difference between normal adults and extraordinary adults, requires long and hard studies - deliberate practice. - High quality work production = time spent x intensity of focus - We have attention residue - where when we switch tasks, our brain is still thinking about the previous task, whilst attem