The Crazy One

Ep 104 #ShareTheMicNow: Working in Tech While Black Part 1 by Jackie Velasquez Ross, Dorcie Lovinsky, and Christian Clark



The third of the #ShareTheMicNow episodes was created by Jackie Velasquez Ross (senior recruiter), Dorcie Lovinsky (engineering manager), and Christian Clark (strategic renewals manager) sharing their history, struggles, and hopes of what it is like to be black and work in the tech industry. Jackie Velasquez Ross has have never met a stranger. She is one of those people that can strike up a conversation with anyone, connect, relate, and make them feel comfortable. She has a background in Communications that is influenced by her personal and professional interest in people, culture, and media. Dorcie Lovinsky is a creative, intelligent, ambitious Data Engineer in the New York area who is passionate about providing data analysts and product teams the necessary data regarding end-users’ interactions with products. Christian Clark is a collaborative results-driven leader incorporating innovative thought, effective product storytelling, and maximum support to initiate long-term relationships and improve an organiz