Explore Norths Podcast

Podcast 133: Camille living the ocean



Camille Parrain is an Associate Professor in Geography and a sailor who sailed across the Atlantic with her two small children and stayed in the Caribbiean for four years to live the ocean, understand the different cultures, share her passion with the different generations as well as supporting ocean traditions. In this podcast we talk about the ocean, what it means to her and us, slow living, the connection between science and art, and how we must change our way in an effort to save the ocean. Amongst other things. I have just published an updated edition of Sail to Svalbard. You can either order it directly from me or through Amazon. If you want to read about sailing the Norwegian coast? Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition. If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wrote with Bob Shepton: High Latitude Sailing – Self-sufficient sailing techniques for cold waters and winter seasons.