Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Achieve More While Working Less ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Are you curious about how to achieve more this year, while not working more or harder? If working less and how to achieve more is on your radar this year, you are going to want to tune into this week’s show. In this broadcast we will explore: What is achievement these days, can we still do that? What is flow state and the ideal flow for you? What can you do to make sure that your business is aimed in the right direction to have more of the great times where you are flowing and growing? I have noticed, now more than ever, people like you need these tools to take full advantage of the achievements and opportunities available to them. So they don’t burn their bright stars out on people who are not worthy of their talents, capacities and abilities. It’s so important to get the right tools at the right time so you can be the genius you came here to be. Fair warning! I don’t blow smoke, I speak the real truth, so this episode is not for people who need