Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Stop Business Burnout ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to Stop Business Burnout Hello beautiful being, are you suffering under the weight of all the things that you have said yes to? Is this causing you to be worn out, burned out and broken? This week is an auspicious one to open the container of all the places you’ve said yes, but really meant no and face up to how it’s causing you to be burned out. Imagine waking up feeling like you are ready to take on the day and having the time and the will to take care of your earth vehicle in the correct way so this is a normal occurrence, you having all the energy you need to show up and shine like the beacon you know you can be? Don’t want to wait for next lifetime to be the bright shining beacon? I suggest you join me live and participate in the show. But beware, nothing will ever be the same again. Jennifer’s clients are experiencing quantum leaps in how they approach their business and life, resulting in them dumping the negative mindset, tsunami emotions, flatlining energy