Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Competition And Other Big Fat Lies ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you had this Big Fat Lie slowing you down in life and in business, that to make an impact and to command the money and influence you crave, that you absolutely have to crush the competition? In this week’s episode of Big Fat Lies, we will be taking on the BFL’s of competition in life and business. How it’s not what you think it is, and how it’s actually poisoning you to have that state of mind. Being in competition mode doesn’t guarantee that you finish first, let me show you why. Join me live in the studio if you have been asking questions like: WHO ARE MY BUSINESS COMPETITORS HOW DO I ATTRACT THE PERFECT CLIENTS WHAT ARE MY COMPETITORS DOING TO MAKE OVER 6 FIGURES IN A MONTH // HOW DO I USE COMPETITION TO IMPROVE MYSELF // HOW CAN I SHOW UP DIFFERENTLY IN BUSINESS IN 2021 // HOW DO I CREATE LEGACY WEALTH FOR MYSELF AND MY FAMILY? But beware, nothing will ever be the same again. Jennifer’s clients are experiencing quantum leaps in how they approach their business