Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

“New Years Resolutions Work, And Other Big Fat Lies”



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever beaten yourself up because you couldn't make your New Year's resolutions work past week 2 of January? Did you make a Resolution and then quit even trying to work on it? Who are we kidding, of course you did! In our New Year's Day show of Big Fat Lies, we are going to throw a hand grenade at "New Years Resolutions Work, and other Big Fat Lies" Jennifer is going to show you exactly how to know what you can get traction on in 2021 by asking your body. By the end of our New Year's Day show you will know what you can take to the trash bin about resolutions in general and also what sweet changes your body IS ready to sign up for. Curl up with a mug of cocoa (spiked or not) and a notebook, this is going to be a great show! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20