Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

"Virtual events, certainly for LGBT+ people who are perhaps not completely themselves at work, they have a little bit of anonymity ": Matt Tudball, Senior Editor, Recycling at ICIS



Leila is joined by Matt Tudball, Senior Editor, Recycling at ICIS IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT   * Matt's journey with ICIS and how he founded the Proud RSG at ICIS* How the RSGs started off as almost a 'hobby' alongside his job role and has evolved into an essential part of the company* The values of peer to peer learning, and the benefits it brings to employees on all levels* Courageous Conversations - and the positive impacts they have been having across the entire company * Keep talking - through the ICIS allyship programmes  RESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/matttudball/Continue the conversation on LinkedIn