Maine Historical Society - Programs Podcast

The Village Blacksmith



Recorded April 8, 2021 - First published in 1840, the poem The Village Blacksmith by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow describes a craftsman, his work, his daily life, and the role he plays in his community. In the more than 100 years since its publication, the poem has inspired readers, musicians, and filmmakers alike. This book by John Babin is the first in a series that introduces Longfellow's poetry to a new audience of young readers. Learn the story of the poet's inspiration that led him to not only write this timeless classic, but also From My Arm-Chair , a poem written to the children of Cambridge, Massachusetts in gratitude for their gift of a chair. The chair was made from the spreading chestnut tree that sheltered the blacksmith shop referenced in the poem. Purchase the book from the MHS Store.