Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Hannah McKitrick, Healing Your Mind, Body, and Soul in the Kitchen, Episode 308



Food and wellness is something that I am passionate about and I'm a big believer that we have to nourish our bodies and take care of our bodies in good ways as entrepreneurs. Today, I am excited to introduce you to Hannah McKitrick. She's had some heavy seasons in her life where she was literally at war in her mind and at war with her body. For years she felt trapped in her crippling anxiety and confusion about how to eat. This is why she's now obsessed with creating experiences that help people feel and be lighter. An 18-year journey living with Crohn’s disease started out grim but eventually led to a healing diet that taught her to heal her body from the inside out. Hannah uses food and the energy that you bring to cooking, as the alchemical vehicle to bring more lightness into your entire being - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.   In This Episode: Hannah talks about her healing journey living with Chron’s Disease  The importance of allowing flexibility based intuitively on your emotiona