Radically Loved With Rosie Acosta

Episode 36| 6 Steps Yoga Can Help Your Awareness



You manage to do many activities with full attention, but sometimes there is no mental relaxation. And there are other moments when your awareness seems to have expanded, but the mind is not sharp. Is it then possible to be totally aware, relaxed and happy, as well as have sharpness of intelligence at the same time? Yes, Yoga can help us to achieve this balanced state of awareness that gives clarity and sharpness of mind, as well as calmness and joy. Watch your ‘Thoughts’, they become words. Watch your ‘Words’, they become actions. Watch your ‘Actions’, they become habits. Watch your ‘Habits’, they become character. Watch your ‘Character’, for it becomes your Destiny. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar These are valuable ‘watch’ words for leading a meaningful life. Yoga fine-tunes your mind to a state of relaxed awareness, to live joyfully in the present moment. Take charge of your mind with awareness But why is awareness important? When you act without awareness – you are like a sleepwalker, who doesn’t know where he is