Keeping It Real With Shana Recker

158. Creating Meaningful Connections on Instagram with Ina Coveney



Ina Coveney is a business coach and host of The Global Phenomenon Podcast. She helps up-and-coming online coaches monetize their tiny audience through organic lead generation strategies before they invest time and money in audience growth. Ina reached 6-figures in her business before ever cracking 1,000 followers on any of her platforms, and her mission to help coaches do the same.In today's episode, we talk all about some of the struggles of balancing parenthood with building a business, why we decided to start a new Instagram account and how to turn Instagram followers into meaningful connections. Tune into today's episode to learn more!Listen to the Global Phenomenon Podcast: Ina on Instagram: Ideas to help you create posts that engage [Free Guide]: www.100postideas.comListen to Why I started my new Instagram account: Your Niche Guide!