Starseed Radio Academy

Lavandar's Vault: Keycodes to Empowerment, Transmutation and Galactic Tracking



From Lavandar's Vault comes the keycodes that all starseeds need to further their own empowerment, be able to transmute situations and things, and therefore to skillfully track events of a galactic nature.  Without this understanding, a successful mission is elusive.  With the current state of our world, this information is more essential than ever, since the stakes are higher now than ever before.  This episode would a great one to download and listen to several times, as each time, you'll get more understanding and be able to fully integrate these keycodes.  Our website is: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope that you won't hear elsewhere! Our next Starseed Quest is November 17-20 in Arkansas, the heart of the Crystal Grid.  It is a soul family reunion, and any starseed with at least one galactic star marking is welcome. For more info, email: crystals (at) starseedhotline (dot) com