Divine Naples Podcast

Find out what it takes to live life like a genius. How do you fix your hair? Do you sleep or not? Those are all genius questions Only Rich can answer Episode #394 – July. 22nd. 2023



Matt finally grew up when he was 58 so now he is interested in a belly dancing program and on the weekends he will do lizard exercises. He also now knows how to make a trumpet rusty from the inside out, so he may be crashing all parades. Learn where the best ice cream is in Naples. For now just know it is in Matts freezer that opens after midnight. Rich celebrates his national day alone. Matt did not qualify because he takes Mexican showers. Lastly, we learned the hard way that Blood suckers are all over Naples so learn how to protect yourself. This show is all over the place but we promise it always makes more sense by the time you get to the end. If you have an announcement to make or something special to share send details to info@divinenaples.com Please nominate someone so we can interview and share their passion and story with the world. Interested to get in our studio and talk life? Send email to info@divinenaples.com BE AWARE !!!! - Show is highly addictive and there is no rehab center available YET. :