"tapp" Into The Truth

Hunter's Day In Court & When DEI Equals DIE



Hillary Clinton has determined that this summer is excessively hot — and rather than the earth’s tilt coupled with the time of year, it’s “MAGA Republicans” who are at fault. A federal judge ordered Hunter Biden to get a job as part of his release conditions after he pleaded not guilty - once his plead deal fell apart - in court to tax charges. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton vacated the desertion conviction for Bowe Bergdahl. A Michigan woman killed her father for allegedly failing to get her to a hair appointment. Richard Bilkszto, a former principal with the Toronto District School Board, died by suicide after he was subjected to racist bullying by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants hired by the school district. Visit 4Patriots and prepare for whatever life sends your way. Use code Tapp at checkout for 10% off on everything in the store. VNSH holster fits 99% of all semi-auto handguns, works without a tactical belt, lets you carry in multiple positions, and carries 2 fully-loaded magaz