Pretty & Petty Mcstuffin'

The Spirit of the Lord



(Please listen with headphones. Had the most difficult time trying to record) 1. Why did you go into ministry? {a.} Was there a hesitation in the beginning?{ b.} What do you mean by backing up 2.Have you ever strayed away from church? {a} the hurt and non believers {b} paying more attention to man than God. {c} build a relationship 3. Have you ever been in a place of compromise, since you changed your path. 4. What are some of the things you would change with the body of Christianity? 5. How do feel about a minister say they are reason a person say "they're the reason a person found God". 6 What would you tell new Christian attending church as well as someone who become complacent in the body of Christ? 7. What made you return to church? {a} Jeremiah 29 8. What do you love GOD? 9. Have you seen a difference in the way people have treated you once you started following the word? --- Send in a voice message: