Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.10- Joy On Judgment Day



The story of Jericho is one that is filled with warnings of judgment, invitations to mercy, and the ultimate will of God to bring about justice for the wicked. For centuries, the people of Jericho had ignored these warnings and persisted in their unrepentant ways, delighting in their worldly pursuits and rejecting their Creator. This defiance ultimately led to their demise when God commanded Israel to lay waste to the city, sparing only Rahab and her family. The events of that day are not only a historical account of a long-forgotten city, but also a prophetic message that points to the end times as described in the book of Revelation. For believers, Rahab's experience serves as a powerful reminder that the grace and power of the gospel can overcome even the deepest of shame and that the day of judgment will be marked by shouts of joy and gratitude from those who have been redeemed. In today's sermon, Pastor Joe dives deeper into the context and significance of the story of Jericho and its relevance for belie