Deep In Japan

Walking Misses Miho #1: Bobby Ologun/Moral Harassment/Serious Hentai/H-Monster



THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT! If Miho allows me to keep recording our walks (and after the shenanigans of this one the prospect seems highly unlikely) then perhaps this will be a new segment on the show. Assuming you all dig it, that is. Either way, do reach out and let me know what you think at Deep in Japan Podcast is completely independent and crowd-funded, so if you like what you hear, please give a thought to supporting the show at BGM was Relaxing Jazz & Bossa Nova Music - Studio Ghibli Cover and the outro was Sukiniyaru (Live) by the 変態紳士クラブ (Hentai Shinshi Club)Make sure to join the Facebook group for all the latest chatter: And as always, thanks for listening!Support the show