The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

#377: Tamar Greene // Hamilton Broadway's George Washington // Part Three



Tamar Greene (Hamilton Broadway's George Washington) is a classical trained pianist, an opera singer, a voice teacher, a founding member of Ham4Progress, and a guy who appreciates the revitalization that comes with embracing the unexpected. That's what his three episodes have been all about. Tamar started his career in music literally hiding behind a piano because it was easier on his stage fright. For years, he resisted accepting his vocal talent. So, he got a bachelor's degree in computer information systems but the music stuff was still nagging at him. On his way to class, he'd walk the halls of the music department, admiring the beautiful pianos and listening to other vocalists and thinking, "you know maybe I *could* make a living in music." Tamar embraced everything he was interested in and now he's accepted that he can be passionate about all of it. Being in bands like Bitchin' Kitchen means he learned, as he says "the business of the business." - traveling, booking, splitting the door money with the ba