Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 460: When and Why Did the Rebbe Visit Summer Camps?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What do we learn from this time period – following Tisha B’Av? Chassidus applied to the 15th of Av What does this day teach us? What is the connection between the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur? Does it make a difference if we say Tu B'Av or Chamisha Asar B'av? Why is this day related to shidduchim? Why is it customary to start wishing each other kesiva v'chasima tova on the 15th of Av? In our times how do we fulfill the custom of young men and women meeting for shidduchim on this day? Why is this day called the “day that broke the axe”? What connection does that have to the meaning of the 15th of Av and to the additional Torah learning that begins on this day? What is the significance of cutting down a tree with the axe handle made of the very wood of the tree itself? If it takes the wood of a tree to cut down trees, how did they cut down the first tree? Post Tisha B’Av How do we address our children’s disappointment that Moshiach has not