Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

338: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Subcommittee Full Hearing



This past Wednesday, July 26th, 2023, the GOP Committee on Oversight, and Accountability held a hearing which focused on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Also known as UAPs. The committee heard testimony from multiple eyewitnesses, including Ryan Graves; The Executive Director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, Commander David Fravor; Former Commanding Officer of the United States Navy, and David Grusch; Former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force with the Department of Defense.Many of you have not yet had the chance to watch the full 2 hours and 15 minute hearing, so tonight I’ll be playing it in its entirety. I think you’ll find the entire hearing quite interesting, and in future episodes I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the information brought forth, and I look forward to hearing your opinions on the subject as well. I have also included a link in the show notes where you can watch the full video of the hearing.TELL YOUR STORY Contact Form or Voice