Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

A Teenagers Story: Life with a Parent with Dementia



Bailey talks openly about her Dad's dementia and how it's effected her life starting at the age of 13 yrs old.  I promise this will be one eye opening interview from a very powerful and passionate girl with a mission to make a difference in the world. Here are some thoughts from Bailey  "I have been given the unique life experience of having my father suffer from Alzheimer’s. Despite its challenges, it has ultimately made me a stronger, more focused, and more compassionate teenager. As I reach out to various audiences, I want to be remembered for what I did as an educator, friend, and champion of Alzheimer’s disease. With many role models existing for teens today, I want my peers to see me for who I am, what I believe in, and encourage them to use their own life experiences – the joys and the sorrows – to be a community motivator." You can contact Bailey via Blog Wesite   www.beonthemove.weebly.comSupport this Show: omnystudio