On The Edge With April Mahoney

Alicia Pozsony radio host, author and life coach joins me On the Edge



Youtube https://youtu.be/ftHWDV2eOuU Coach & Host of Resilient YOU Author of Emotional Strength Explained www.aliciapozsony.com Alicia has lived through the dark of family dysfunction for twenty years before deciding to write books to inspire others. She hopes her books will help people battling the effects of confusion & complexity that stems from the chaos and dysfunction of mental illness and abandonment. Her books will help the undo false beliefs kids grow up with that cause shame, helplessness, hopelessness, and leave them feeling like there’s something wrong with them. She knows it will help them be more open and live beyond the surface. Her writing is for anyone or anything citing fear, tension, and isolation due to the turbulent events of our time. When she isn’t writing, Alicia Pozsony enjoys taking pictures and walks, being a good parent and staying strong in her faith. Alicia also takes great pride in her civic duty by improving her community as a girl scout leader, recently winning Outsta