Zohar Ammud Yomi

The Neshamah Project: Episode 45: The Dance of Unity: Tu B'Av, the Jewish Day of Love



In this episode of the Neshamah Project, Rabbi Ben Newman delves into the celebration of Tu B'Av, the Jewish Day of Love. Historically, this summer holiday served as a day of matchmaking, where young women donned white dresses and danced in vineyards. It also marked a significant turning point in Jewish history: the day when intermarriage between Jewish tribes was permitted, ending age-old divisions. But beyond these traditions, Tu B'Av holds a deeper, mystical significance. Rabbi Newman examines teachings from the Talmud and Rabbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl's work "Maor Einayim". He presents an understanding of Tu B'Av as a harbinger of the messianic era, a time of universal love and unity. The circle dance, a common feature of this holiday, is symbolic of a world without hierarchies and divisions. The episode concludes with an inspiring message of hope, patience, and the potential of human love to transcend all barriers.