Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 488 The Surprising Truth of You: Part 1



Self-Awareness is the meta skill of the twenty-first century. Dr. Bray has recently been studying self-awareness in the workplace and shares the latest research on how self-aware the individuals are you work with. (buckle-up some of the research is shocking!) But more importantly insight into how both internally and externally aware you are. Research shows that only about 10-15% of people are truly self-aware. The rest of us have blind spots and biases that prevent us from accurately understanding our own behavior and its impact on others. In part one of this series on self-awareness Dr. Bray discusses what self-awareness is and what it looks like in both our professional and personal lives. He also shares examples of why so many individuals are not self-aware and how it is impacting their careers and relationships. You don’t want to miss this engaging and informative podcast. Thanks to Tash Erich’s incredible book on this subject and her extensive research. **To learn more about self-awareness in the workpla