Common Censored

Episode 224 - Child Labor Laws Are So Last Century, How a News Outlet Staged a Coup



Slap a new name on it and you got yourself a Trump-era policy in Democrat swatches! Biden's  asylum ban has recently been halted by a Federal Judge, but the administration is already challenging the Judge's order. Here's a scoop on the aslyum ban, and how so-called sanctuary cities are leaning on mutual aid groups in order to live up to their name.  From kids in cages to kids in deep fat friers, child labor laws are so last century! Indeed, why even bother paying a 10-year old mopping floors at 2am?? News outlets aren't just for peddling propaganda anymore! They can be frontline fighters in the push to overthrowing democratically elected governments! PLUS in the wake of record-breaking heat waves, our government is forcing through a fracked gas pipeline, and MORE!