
PlanningxChange 107 Kate Hardwick: shining bright



In PX107, our interview guest is Kate Hardwick an exceptional planning professional originally from Australia who now works in South East Asia.  Kate takes the listener on a fascinating journey describing her professional career. Along the way she offers tips to those starting out and also to those seeking a new direction after a number of years in the job.  She talks of recognising and responding to cultural variations and social norms in many different countries. Also in gaining humility and the value, often overlooked, of actually listening and observing. Kate looks back on her early career and identifies key change moments. She also talks of the challenges and rewards of working on large scale 'new world' urban development projects both oin the west and east. There is a particular segment of note on how Singapore does planning. In Podcast Extra / Culture Corner, Kate recommends ‘War Transformed’ by Major General Mick Ryan Jess recommends the pleasures of farmers