

In the sixth and final episode of this mini-series, Nada walks you through creating a business plan. This is not a 50-page document but instead a high-level plan of action—one that helps you to communicate, manage and guide your vision.Your business plan is both your blueprint and roadmap and will be a constant reference when building your team of advisors, employees and partners. It’s a tool to help you monitor and evaluate your progress. Every good business plan also includes an Executive Summary and Nada offers a step by step guide to building an effective one. She says, “Your executive summary encapsulates everything your business is about and expects to accomplish. It's a very useful and concise way to articulate your plan while leaving plenty of room for growth, improvement and flexibility.”By the end of this episode, you will have a well-thought-out business plan that you can use to turn your brilliant idea into a vision that others can see and support. Follow us at @libertyforher on Instagram, Twitter