

In the fifth episode of this mini-series, Nada discusses all things paperwork—or as she calls it “framework”. Like constructing a building, the framework gives everything structure. Nada says, “without giving your venture the framework it needs you won’t have a proper foundation with which to build a thriving business upon.”Nada leads you through everything from selecting your business entity to creating budgets that track your finances. She breaks down the definition and purpose of Start Up and Operating budgets, P&L and Cash Flow statements and MORE. You’ve got nothing to fear and everything to gain from scaffolding your venture from the start. Properly defining your framework now will set you up for success (however you define that) later! Come back next week for the last episode in our mini-series, it’s going to be a finale! Follow us at @libertyforher on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Please let us know your thoughts about this episode by using the hashtag #libertyforher and please rate and review