Future Bachelor

Episode 276 | “Cardinal Rules”



Si & Veronica are going home for episode 276! It’s hometowns week and it feels like we barely know these men! Aaron B. was up first and introduced Charity to Houston and his family. She couldn’t say she would 100% be ready to marry him to his mom, but he says how he’s falling in love with her whilst at his high school football field. Next up was Joey in Pennsylvania, even though Hawaii would’ve been way cooler. Joey showed Charity the tennis ropes and got surprised by his uncle lurking around the courts to see how they vibe. Uncle Joe is worried that Joey is just trying to be whatever Charity wants and not his real self. Xavier had the third hometown slot and took Charity to a knitting class. He also says how he is falling in love with her and seemed to make up for lost ground. Best for last was our #1 boy Dotun in Fresno, California. He introduced Charity to his grandma and siblings and aunties and then his parents surprised them fresh off the plane from Nigeria and welcomed Charity with open arms. Chari