Gallup Theme Thursday

Consistency: Learning to Love All 34 Talent Themes -- Season 1



Consistency is a keen awareness about the need to treat people the same by setting clear rules and applying them evenhandedly. Words that best represent the Consistency theme are: uniformity, rules, efficiency, balance and fairness. Someone with Consistency often acts as the conscience of a group or team. They are egalitarian, even-handed and selfless. People with Consistency focus on the group, not on individuals. They accomplish tasks in a fair and consistent manner. Consistency believe that the rules are the same for everyone, so individuals with high Consistency are great at giving credit where credit is due. Consistency believes, "It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, it is what we do every day."Theme Thursday is a Gallup Webcast series that dives deep into the CliftonStrengths Themes, one at a time.