Tinder Tales

Will Carey "Please Have an Orgasm With Me" Episode 22



Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my podcast about the best and worst of Online Dating. I am joined by NYC Comedian Will Carrey! We talk about dating a walrus trainer, the messages he sent to his now girlfriend, and how drunk I would get if I did a shot every time he mentioned stand up comedy in his profile We are now on iTunes! Please Rate and Subscribe! See Will's one man show Laughing Through the Sad at The Unicorn in NYC on Sept 9th at 8PM! Follow him on Twitter @comicwillcarey Also he has a podcast I was just on called Between Awesome and  Disaster! You should check it out! Follow me at @Piccolomeany and See my Show “Million Dollar Basement Show” at Halyards in Brooklyn August 17th 8:30 Doors 9:00 Show I also run a show called Guestroom Comedy Presents every Tuesday at Two Boots Williamsburg 8-8:30 Everyone gets a free beer 8:30 pm we start an awesome comedy show.