Tinder Tales

Rachel Coleman “Awkward Boner Cuddling” Tinder Tales Episode 5



Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my new podcast about the best and worst of Tinder. I am joined by New York Comedian Rachel Coleman. Rachel recently went through her biggest break up and has dived into the online dating scene. We talk about going to France with your ex and how single dudes over 30 who really want their nipples grabbed Follow Rachel at @RachelSColeman and Go to her shows! No Cool Kids at Three Diamond Door May 4th (FB LINK HERE) and We’re All Getting Laid at the Creek and the Cave June 3rd Follow me at @Piccolomeany and See my Show “Million Dollar Basement Show” at Mr. Dennehys Bar in the West Village May 18th 8:30 Doors 9:00 Show I also run a show called Guestroom Comedy (FACEBOOK LINK HERE) every Tuesday at Two Boots Williamsburg 8-8:30 Everyone gets a free beer 8:30 pm we start a kick ass comedy show Also Follow us on FB at Tinder Tales Podcast (FACEBOOK LINK HERE)