Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




Songs and Meditations 1. Introduction 2 A Meditation Song with Tibtan Bowl from Atamira (a Hathor guide) There is a desire within each of us to find that inner tone or quality that reflects who we truly are.   We seek to find a place within ourselves that allows us to feel ultimately received. This internal space allows us to feel we are truly loved, just the way we are.3 Releasing into Spirit The quality of our expression into the outer world reflects the quality of our inner world.  This inner tone or vibration is the quality that others sense intuitively. 4 Ubi Caritas et Amor, Deus ibi Est (chant and meditation)Where Tenderness and Love abide, There is GodRevealing those qualities of tenderness and love that are in our lives reveals where God or Spirit resides in our lives.   Who we are  is a reflection of that Spirit of God which vibrates, sings and lives within each of us.  Let yourself relax and receive. Feel your feet and let the sound move through you.  When you are ready, let your Spirit sing.5 Our