Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

CHAOS, CREATION AND HEALING: Meditations for Your Body and Our Earth



1 IntroductionChaos can be a step in creating a healing pattern which resolves into order2 What does Nature feel as unconditional love?An Invocation and Exploration of Unconditional Lovefrom the perspective of the Nature Spirits (2nd dimension) and Pure Energy of Nature (1st dimension)  Unconditional love, as felt by Nature Spirits, may be different than what we humans  think it is.  First, define the space you wish to make sacred. Nature spirits within a room echo our activities – from TV watching to yoga to meditation.  To create a healing space don’t invite them all. Invite only those that vibrate at what they consider to be unconditional love.  Watch – it will be different from what you think it will be, because they, not you, are doing it.3 Pure Divine Energy of NaturePerhaps this is the Divine Matrix others speak of.  The pure, Divine energy of Nature as I know it has a gentle, rich, almost thick watery quality.  This is a first dimensional energy, and is the source of all form.  It is the energy from w