Helixtalk - Rosalind Franklin University's College Of Pharmacy Podcast

169 - Introducing HelixTalk’s 2023 Drug Superlative Awards!



In this episode, we announce the second iteration of the HelixTalk Drug Superlative Awards -- awards given to medications on the market that are outstanding or notorious. In announcing these completely fictitious awards, we review key clinical pearls and pitfalls that every clinician should be aware of with these notable medications. Key Concepts The award for the most unique phase III patient population for a widely used medication goes to … Pneumovax-23 (PPSV-23) for its predecessor versions that were studied in South African novice gold miners. The award for the most misunderstood boxed warning goes to … all of the DOACs (but specifically apixaban and rivaroxaban). In particular, due to BOTH an increased risk of thrombosis and bleeding when switching from a DOAC to warfarin therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation. The award for the biggest difference between pharmacokinetic properties and pharmacodynamic effects goes to … aspirin due to its short-half life and short duration of analgesic effect and y