Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How to Increase T4 Levels Naturally (WITHOUT Medication)



T4 is the most abundant thyroid hormone in the body by far. Roughly 80% of all thyroid hormone floating around in your body right now is in the form of T4. It may not be the most powerful, but it’s obviously very important to thyroid hormone regulation because your body can draw upon your T4 store to create various types of thyroid hormone as needed. If you are someone who is trying to optimize your thyroid function for better health or because you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, you should find this information on how to increase your T4 levels naturally very helpful: 1. Diet: Look for foods that are high in iron, tyrosine, and iodine as all 3 of these nutrients are needed for thyroid hormone production. #2. Food volume: Not only are the type of foods that you eat important but also the quantity or volume of food that you eat. Avoid calorie restricted diets if you are trying to increase your T4 level. You may paradoxically see an increase in T4 temporarily but this comes at the cost of low T3 which