Risen Church Nc

Back to School: Starting Point - Romans 4



Faith is the starting point of a relationship with God. However, faith is not exclusive to this area of our life. We exercise faith every day of our lives, in so many different lanes of life. Thus, when it comes to knowing God, it's not a matter of having enough faith but simply transitioning and shifting our faith over to Him. In this message, we hear how the Scriptures define faith as the foundation and catalyst of coming to know the Lord. We also deconstruct the myth that faith must be blind, seeing as the Bible emphasizes God's trustworthiness and proven track-record. By focusing on the story of Abraham, we learn how his story should cause ever hearer to be confident in God. Much the same, the work of Jesus and the growth of His Church demands that we all evaluate where our faith rests. God has given us substantial proof, highlighting His reign and redemption plan. Christianity at its core is all about hearing God's invitation and trusting His Word. Everything else that matters - righteousness, obedi