Rock Chalk Talk: For Kansas Jayhawks Fans

S07E18 - Still Riding The High



The Kansas Jayhawks continued their hot start to the year, and Andy Mitts and Kyle Davis break down the latest win. They talk about how these wins feel, some exciting possibilities that might be on the horizon, and then break down everything we have seen from this prolific offense. From there, they look over at the huge defensive plays before looking at the individual recognition that Kansas players are getting. And they wrap up by taking a peek ahead to the game against Houston on Saturday. Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyMitts12 Follow Kyle on Twitter: @kyledavis21 Follow Blue Wings Rising on Twitter: @bluewingsrise We want your input on the podcast. If you have something you would like to talk about on the podcast, or any suggestions for people that we should try to talk to, let us know by emailing us at or on twitter @RockChalkPod. Get the most comfortable vintage college sports t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies and more at Homefield Apparel! With more than 100 schools available (and n