Rock Chalk Talk: For Kansas Jayhawks Fans

S07E17 - All New For Us



Week 2 is upon us for the Kansas Jayhawks, and Andy is joined by Brandon Phoenix of the Raspy Voice Kids to preview their opponent: The West Virginia Mountaineers.  They dive into what they learned from a week 1 loss to Pittsburgh and whether they are worried about a hangover from that game. Then they run through both the offense and defense to figure out how these teams match up and what you might expect to see. Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyMitts12 Follow Brandon on Twitter: @ialsohatepitt Follow Blue Wings Rising on Twitter: @bluewingsrise We want your input on the podcast. If you have something you would like to talk about on the podcast, or any suggestions for people that we should try to talk to, let us know by emailing us at or on twitter @RockChalkPod. Get the most comfortable vintage college sports t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies and more at Homefield Apparel! With more than 100 schools available (and new ones added all the time) you are sure to find something that you'll abs