Rock Chalk Talk: For Kansas Jayhawks Fans

S07E14 - It Goes Beyond the Two-Deep



Game week is officially here, which means it is time to get a final preview of the season for the Kansas Jayhawks before we start taking a look at individual games. To help with that, Andy welcomes Derek Johnson, host of both Rock Chalk Sports Talk on KLWN in Lawrence and the Locked on Jayhawks podcast.  They start by looking at the most impactful changes for the Jayhawks in the offseason, before diving into the transformation on defense that was achieved through the transfer portal. They also look at the part of the offense that has the most potential for improvement before looking through the schedule and giving some season predictions. Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyMitts12 Follow Derek on Twitter: @DJohnsonRadio Follow Blue Wings Rising on Twitter: @bluewingsrise We want your input on the podcast. If you have something you would like to talk about on the podcast, or any suggestions for people that we should try to talk to, let us know by emailing us at or on twitter @RockChalkP