
382: It's time to start living your life!



This podcast episode was inspired by an old blog post we wrote way back in 2016! We noticed it was getting a lot of traffic, so we revisited it. Its titled: 10 Ways to Actually Start Living Your Life!This podcast is brought to you by GoodnessMe Box, we just opened ours up and it included a bunch of delicious and healthy snacks! Get your Goodness Me Box CLICK HERE and use code: Merrymaker for your discount!We also mentioned a Desk Worker Yoga class, if you'd like to try it out for free head on over here.This is what we spoke about during the episodeContemplating death. It helps you remember to live!Abhinivesha is a Sanskrit word that means "will to live". It's referring to the fear of death that then provides a will to live.Finding purpose in work is worth it. Do work that lights you up!We created MerryBody Yoga Teacher Training to help you follow your bliss and forge your own path.Check in with what you're actually doing on your phone. It can be a tool to either help you find your bliss, or a tool to numb you